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GIT MCQs with model answers

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GIT MCQs with model answers Empty GIT MCQs with model answers

مُساهمة من طرف smart doc 29/10/09, 02:45 am

- Regarding the intestin all are true except:

a. Burnner's gland are located in the lamina propria of doudenum.
b. The surface epithelial cells are rich in microvilli.
c. The mucosa of the colon has deep crypts but no villi.
d. Argetallin cells secret hormones and vasoactive amines.
e. Paneth cells secret mucus.
2- Regarding the liver all are correct except:
a. Fat storing adipocytes are located in the space of Diss.
b. Hepatocytes have abundence SER.
c. Kupffur cells are involved in breakdown of aged erythrocytes.
d. Bile canaliculie are lined with simple columner cells.
e. The portal area contains a branch of portal vein, hepatic artery and bile duct.
3- Regarding the pancreas mark one correct statement:
a. Delta cells of its islets secret glucagon.
b. The basal part of aciner cells is rich in secretory zymogen granules.
c. Failure of beta cells to produce insulin results in diabetes millitus.
d. Secretion of islets tissue is drained by duct.
e. The exocrine part consists of simple tubular gland.
4- In hummen esuphagus all of the followings can formed except:
a. Simple columner epithelium.
b. Striated muscle fibers into upper theird.
c. Serosa covering its abdominal part.
d. Mucous glands in submucosa.
e. Messner's plexus of nerves.
5-The space of Diss contain all the followings except:
a. Plasma.
b. Bile.
c. Reticular fibers.
d. Microvilli of hepatocytes.
e. Fat-storing cells.
6- Regarding the stomach all are correct except:
a. It is lined by simple columnar epithelium.
b. Pyloric glands have many chief cells and parital cells.
c. Oxyntic cells have secretary caneliculli.
d. Chief cells are basophilic and secret pepsinogen.
e. The cells of gastric mucosa can regenerate.
7-Regardening the tongue mark one correct statement:
a. It is lined by stratified columner epithelium.
b. Fungi form papillae are located behind sulcus terminalis.
c. Taste buds are located at the latral side of circumvallate papillae.
8- Regarding the stomach select the correct statement:
a. Its fundic glands are located in the body of stomach.
b. The chief cells are responsible for the product of HCl.
c. The parital cells produce pepsin.
d. The pyloric glands contain large number of chief cells.
e. The cells of gastric mucosa do not regenerate.
9- Regarding tongue papillae select one correct statement:
a. They projected from the ventral surface of tongue.
b. Fungi form papillae located behind the sulcus terminal.
c. Filiform papillae appear white due to parakeratosis.
d. Fungi form papillae surrounded by deep circular trench.
e. filiform papillae often have taste buds.
10- Regarding liver all correct except:
a. It is formed of hexagonal lobules.

b. Kupffer's cells are present in the space of Disse.

c. Each classic hepatic lobules drained into central vein
d. Hepatocyte produce bile and endocrine material.
e.The portal triad consists of an artery, vein and bile ductile bounded by collagen sheath.

11- The following statements regarding the histological structure of the small intestine are true, EXCEPT
a. The intestinal villi are lined by simple columnar cells that are rich in microvilli
b. They have argentaffin (enteroendocrine) cells that secrete hormones and vasoactive amines .
c. Paneth cells are present at the base crypts
d. Meissner's plexuses -are located in the muscularis externa
e. Brunner's glands are located in submucosa of the duodenum
12- The following statements regarding the histological structures of the intestine are true EXCEPT:
a. Brunner's glands are located in the submucosa of the duodenum
b. The surface epithelial cells are rich in microvilli
c. The mucosa of the colon has deep crypts but no villi
d. Argentaffin cells secret honnones & vasoactive amines
e. Paneth cells secret mucous
13- The following statements regarding the stomach & esophagus are correct EXCEPT:
a. The oxyntic cells of the gastric glands are characterized by secretory canaliculi
b. The mucous can be damaged by alcohol, aspirin or infection
c. There is striated muscle at the lower end of the esophagus
d. Chief cells of the gastric glands are basophilic & secret
e. Pyloric glands have no chief cells or parietal cells
14- Regarding the tongue & saliyary glands, which of the following statements are INCORRECT:
a. The parotid gland is composed of seromucous acini.
b. Serous acini have basophilic cytoplasm
c. The striated ducts are lined by simple columnar cells showing basal striations.
d. Tongue is lined by non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
e. Taste buds are located at the sides of cirumvillate papillae.

15- Regarding the major salivary glands, all the following statements are correct EXCEPT:
a. Submandibular glands are seromucous glands in which serous
demilunes predominate
b. Serous acini have basophilic cytoplasm
c. Parotid secretory acini are purely mucous
d. They are commonly stimulated by olfactory, chemical, mechanical and psychological stimuli "
e. Striated duct are lined by simple columnar cells showing basal striation.
16- Regarding the stomach_ all the following statements are correct,EXCEPT:
a. It is lined by simple columnar epithelium
b. It contains myenteric plexus ""
c. It is covered by serosa
d. Its muscularis extema is formed of timer oblique, middle circular and outer longitudinal layers
e. Its wall is folded into plica circularis
17- Regarding the pancreas all the following statements are correct . EXCEPT:
a. It is formed of exocrine and endocrine parts
b. It contains mainly enteroendocrine cells
c. Its endocrine part is formed of islets of langerhans
d. Its exocrine part is formed of acini
e. Its duct system contains intercalated ducts
18- Regarding the liver all the following statements are correct. EXCEPT:
a. It is formed of hexagonal lobules
b. Its hepatocytes contain few rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.
c. Each hepatic lobule contains central vein
d. Hepatocytes are separated from the sinusoidal lining cells by the space of Disse
e. Hepatocytes produce bile and endocrine materials.
19- Regarding submandibular salivary gland all correct except:
a. It is compound tubloalveolar gland.

b. Consists of seromucos acini.

c. Serous acini have basophilic cytoplasm.
d. Striated ducts are lined by stratified columnar with basal striation.
e. It's main duct lined with non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
20- Parietal cells have:
a. Periphral-located nuclei.
b. Strong positive basophilic cytoplasm.
c. Intracellular canaliculi.
d. Well-developed RER.
e. Granuls visible by light microscope



1- a
2- d
3- c
4- a
5- b
6- b
7- c
8- a
9- c
10- b
11- d
12- e
13- c
14- a
15- c
16- e
17- b
18- b
19- d
20- c

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عدد الرسائل : 1094
العمر : 32
كيف تعرفت علينا ؟ : Friends
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/04/2009

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GIT MCQs with model answers Empty رد: GIT MCQs with model answers

مُساهمة من طرف نور الزمن 29/10/09, 10:37 pm

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نور الزمن
نور الزمن

عدد الرسائل : 711
العمر : 32
العمل/الترفيه : الصبر و الصمت
المزاج : الحمد لله
كيف تعرفت علينا ؟ : Friends
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/05/2009

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

GIT MCQs with model answers Empty رد: GIT MCQs with model answers

مُساهمة من طرف smart doc 29/10/09, 10:43 pm

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smart doc

عدد الرسائل : 1094
العمر : 32
كيف تعرفت علينا ؟ : Friends
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/04/2009

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